Introducing the 2021 RECAP Pinot Noir

Vineyard Owner (and retired Sonoma Valley firefighter) Marty, pictured with winemaker Patricio Paso Viola


We are delighted to introduce our inaugural 2021 RECAP Pinot Noir, born and bred in the picturesque Sonoma Valley at the intersection of the Sonoma Coast and Petaluma Gap AVAs. This wine is a testament to the art of winemaking, the beauty of collaboration, and a high regard for the places where these flourish. A little RECAP of our story before getting into the wines themselves…

The RACAP team came together over their shared love of vineyards and wine long before the 2021 vintage. For many years the group discussed their budding interest in producing a pinot, but their heads were in the clouds, and something always got in the way. That is, until fate interfered in early 2022 by way of a chance meeting between Flora and a departing winemaker, which set the wheels in motion. The winemaker was moving out of state and asked if she could take on the pinot wines he had started making a few months before. Tasting the light and bright pinot led to a meeting with the farmer whose juice now blissfully rested in barrel. This farmer, a Sonoma native and former firefighter had spent his career protecting the land we all enjoy before turning his passion towards cultivating the very same earth he once fought to preserve.

Situated just 45 miles north of San Francisco, this young vineyard benefits from coastal influences and large diurnal temperature shifts, yielding a decidedly cool-climate pinot that is fresh, light, and supremely drinkable. Upon popping the cork, we hope you'll discover the essence of its coastal proximity and light, youthful vibrancy.

We believe that winemaking is equal parts experience, experimentation, and a touch of magic, and we can't wait to see how this vineyard will evolve as we continue working with it.

Thank you for joining us on this journey and we hope these wines make their way to tables over which you RECAP memorable events with friends and loved ones. 

2021 RECAP Pinot Noir

The wine has a clear appearance and a pale ruby color. Its bouquet is bursting with lively scents of rose petals, cherry, and thyme, which give way to a fascinating combination of white pepper and tobacco. With a light to medium body, the wine offers flavors of red fruit, particularly raspberry, along with a subtle salinity reminiscent of the seaside and hints of earthy mushrooms. The tannins are well-rounded and smooth, creating a balanced mouthfeel. The finish is pleasant with bright acidity and a medley of allspice flavors.